A year ago, Franky Dean, a 24-year-old documentary film-making master’s student, decided to make a phone call she’d been avoiding nearly half her life. She was sitting in a dark computer room in New York University’s journalism institute in Manhattan when she FaceTimed her parents. They were in the living room at her home in the UK, where she grew up. Franky told them she’d just filed a police report about something that had happened more than a decade earlier. When Franky was 12, she had been sexually abused by a close friend’s dad.

And then her mum said two words that would change her life, again, for ever: “We know.”

It was meant to be a climactic moment – a revelation that Franky had been building up to for years. Instead, it was the beginning of another story – the unravelling of a shadow narrative that spanned half of Franky’s life. It’s a story about what happens when police assume survivors of sexual abuse to be “unknowing victims” – a series of misinterpretations and missteps that amounted to Franky spending 12 years hiding her abuse from her parents while they spent 12 years hiding it from her.

  • mrcleanup@lemmy.world
    4 hours ago

    Right, so the answer to my earlier question is “yes” in this instance your are anti-choice. Is fine, but own it or we end up going on a big circle to get where we should have been three or four comments ago.

    And we could have had a conversation about that, but honestly, I’m just not that invested in the conversation anymore, it’s been a long day and I’m out of patience for random strangers who are more interested in being right than communicating.

    • conciselyverbose@sh.itjust.works
      4 hours ago

      Being informed is not a choice. Care is the choice.

      Being informed is a prerequisite to decide care. There is no other possible way to make a rational decision.

      • mrcleanup@lemmy.world
        3 hours ago

        Look around you, being informed is absolutely a choice. This place is a great example of people choosing pleasant fictions over uncomfortable realities every day.

        Just because you think it is an unacceptable choice doesn’t mean it isn’t one.