I didn’t deliberately leave it out. I just didn’t see a point in including it. I was sharing this info in response to this comment of yours:
Why would Iran be a threat to Israel and the US? Could it be because of violently overthrowing the democrwtically elected leader and installing a puppet that murdered and tortured his people with US and Israeli aid for 30 years, so the US could steal oil from Iran?
To point out that Iran was a threat to Israel long after the coup to remove Mohammad Mossadegh that you seemed to be referring to:
I didn’t deliberately leave it out. I just didn’t see a point in including it. I was sharing this info in response to this comment of yours:
To point out that Iran was a threat to Israel long after the coup to remove Mohammad Mossadegh that you seemed to be referring to:
The August 1953 coup stemmed from U.S. fears over the Soviet Union increasingly wanting a piece of Iran as Communists agitated within the country.