For all intent and purposes. 4.0 has been by far the most stable release yet. And that is saying something since the player cap is 500 and now has a new star system.
The new Pyro soundtrack is amazing and if you haven’t listen to Pedro’s work I would recommend to do so.
There are some dumb bugs that qa and the ptu should have found and smashed but they (cig) dragged their feet with 3.24 and server meshing this year IMO.
Buggy, incomplete, kind of a mess, but absolutely playable if you have a sufficient tolerance for jank.
While it’s for sure a ways away from being the game that was promised, what’s there is still one of the most unique and ambitious gaming experiences you can ever have.
How is this still a thing lol
Is it playable yet?
For all intent and purposes. 4.0 has been by far the most stable release yet. And that is saying something since the player cap is 500 and now has a new star system.
The new Pyro soundtrack is amazing and if you haven’t listen to Pedro’s work I would recommend to do so.
There are some dumb bugs that qa and the ptu should have found and smashed but they (cig) dragged their feet with 3.24 and server meshing this year IMO.
Buggy, incomplete, kind of a mess, but absolutely playable if you have a sufficient tolerance for jank.
While it’s for sure a ways away from being the game that was promised, what’s there is still one of the most unique and ambitious gaming experiences you can ever have.