So quick history lesson:

Cadillacs and Dinisaurs started as an independent comic book called “Xenozoic Tales” by writer/artist Mark Schultz.

It first appeared as a short story in the comic “Death Rattle” #8 before having it’s own 14 issue run from 1987 to 1996.

In 1990, Marvel reprinted the first 6 issues under the more marketable title “Cadillacs and Dinosaurs.”

In 1993, there was a 13 episode animated cartoon.

In 1994, Topps comics picked up the license and did 9 issues, with Mark Schultz serving as a consultant but not the writer or artist.

The Sega CD game came out in 1994 in conjunction with the Topps series.

Longplay here:

    2 months ago

    It’s a shame that’s not what they released on Sega CD. Presumably because of licensing issues, the arcade game has never seen any home release. This was the one chance and instead it’s a pretty standard FMV game.