We are all drops of water that make up an ocean. Billionaires are important too but it’s also the fault of lazy people who put old TVs on the sidewalk instead of ewasting them. Everyone’s actions add up.
You are downplaying scale. Drops of water can fall on a plant for years. Pour a one ton bucket on it and it’s dead in 20 seconds.
We are not all “drops” of water. I try to be environmentally conscious in my actions not because I believe it makes a real difference, but only to keep myself from being a hypocrite. The only thing different between a hypocrite and a billionaire is a pile of money.
We are all drops of water that make up an ocean. Billionaires are important too but it’s also the fault of lazy people who put old TVs on the sidewalk instead of ewasting them. Everyone’s actions add up.
You are downplaying scale. Drops of water can fall on a plant for years. Pour a one ton bucket on it and it’s dead in 20 seconds. We are not all “drops” of water. I try to be environmentally conscious in my actions not because I believe it makes a real difference, but only to keep myself from being a hypocrite. The only thing different between a hypocrite and a billionaire is a pile of money.
I still do my part, but it’s for my own integrity, not for saving the world.