The Nazis had every secret fortification, every hidden bunker, everything mapped out, they were just leaving them for later. Probably wouldn’t have come to that Switzerland would’ve done a San Marino, which almost holds the record as the only country to ever elect and de-elect fascists, and elect and de-elect Bolsheviks. “Almost” because the fascists went AWOL upon Mussolini’s death, before they could be voted out.
The Nazis had every secret fortification, every hidden bunker, everything mapped out, they were just leaving them for later. Probably wouldn’t have come to that Switzerland would’ve done a San Marino, which almost holds the record as the only country to ever elect and de-elect fascists, and elect and de-elect Bolsheviks. “Almost” because the fascists went AWOL upon Mussolini’s death, before they could be voted out.