I’m usually a fan of open source games but rarely do they manage to be actually great. People like giving recommendations like Super Tux Kart that haven’t aged well and don’t play well. What are some open source games that are legitimately good that I’ve missed?
My favorites are:
Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart
Powder Toy
GZDoom (and all the amazing mods for it)
Veloren (even though it’s still in alpha)
What’s the issue with SuperTuxKart? I thought that it was great fun when I played it.
It’s just not very good compared to any other kart game. Aside from the fact that it’s very dated, the driving is slow, the levels are wide and uninspired, the racing itself is very simple. SRB2Kart is another open source karting game and it’s sooooo much better.
For a game currently still maintained, it seriously didn’t age well in all departments especially animations, sound design and character models.