Beijing would like to participate in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, China’s foreign aid and international development agency announced on Monday.
After backing up Russia and supplying them with military hardware? Fuck off!
Playing all sides for fun and profit, a tale as old as time.
Like, don’t lift a finger to help, until everything is over? Tell the struggling, smaller country about financial support once they’re defeated? Because let’s be real, that’s what this means if they’re offering it right now. Diplomatically it’s beyond tone-deaf. BTW, does China still claim to not be on Russia’s side but “neutral”?
I hope Zelensky tells them they’ll get contracts if they help right now, and only then.
They’ve been provisioning Russia.
The more butchered the West is, the better for China’s future-dominion, right?
They’ve no intention of allowing Ukraina to have trustworthy infrastructure, if they can instead be infested with spyware, providing the CCP with all the leverage they can get in the region…
They’re not stupid.
Machiavellian, certainly, as all the major-players in our world now are, but not stupid.
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And out come the wolves
motherfuckers are putting the wolf in wolf warrior diplomacy.
screw china in that regard, if they wanted a larger role they would have stuck it to putin and forced him to end the war. “how can we spose to trust you” when you come to Ukraine?
Fuckers are going to install spyware all over the country.
The same china that russia refuses to give its relationship up even though trump is simping mad hard for putin.
Zelensky better not fall for this shit.
Likely as not Chinese companies will profit through shell corporations and NGOs rebuilding Russia and Ukraine. The US could’ve but they dismantled USAID and are actively courting Russian interests in the region.
Not only “in the region”, but EVERYwhere.
The real reason that Trump wants Canada and Greenland is so that between Putin & him they can crush the EU in a pincer.
They want to be the ONLY “kings” ruling the world.
I expect to see the US declare total WAR against Canada in less than 3y.
All the meddling that their CIA did to adulterate our elections, through the years, & now this…
( the CIA admitted it adulterated our elections, to prevent socialism from having strength in our country: they undermined the NDP consistently, apparently, for years, “if” they ever stopped…
I’ve no particular love for the NDP, though Jack Layton was the most passionate about Canada leader at the top of the federal parties, for many years, but … doesn’t integrity mean ANYthing, to ANYbody, in the international political realm?? )
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