• 3 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 4th, 2023


  • Heh, when I lived in the UK I travelled 200 miles a few times to go on advanced courses.

    It’s paid off many times for me, as an example last tuesday I came around a blind bend with a bit of speed to find a big fat boar looking confused in the middle of the road. On the advanced machine handling course I did a few years back we covered emergency swerves at high speed (up to 70mph), and I just went around the back of the boar … without that training I’d have probably hit square on.

  • Except that OP is in the UK.

    While you might want to go in straight lines most of the time being able to handle corners first is a good idea, plus things like emergency brake and swerve techniques to avoid accidents … the European test only checks if you can emergency brake from 30mph, stopping from 75 with enough technique to feel like your eyeballs are being sucked out of your skull takes practice.

    Hell, I remember one American on Reddit who swore up and down that you shouldn’t use the front brake to emergency stop - for people who really love motorbikes extra training is a must, and that starts with a small bike you can drop a lot while learning how to use the whole tire and how to handle a bike when the front wheel locks, etc.

    Edit: as for your BMW, why not just add a tooth to front sprocket?

  • Step 1: find a job in the middle of nowhere.

    Step 2: move there.

    Sounds easy, no? To achieve it I moved to another country, learned a new language, took a 50% pay cut, and living here requires a lot more work just to be comfortable … but I live halfway up a mountain in the middle of a nature reserve, it was worth it for me.