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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • In my area it’s like they want you to be poor. Those legitimately posted listings in my area are exclusively “scams”, in that they will technically hire some people through those listings, but in reality they’re just hiring immigrant labour for pennies on the dollar, and using state-funded labour agencies to promote these jobs which objectively could not support American citizens. I’ve seen one listing that said they wanted harvesters for crops, they were paying by the amount picked, not an hourly wage. This is a classic scam where you end up getting less than minimum wage, and the Federal government has to step in after the fact to get you up to the disgustingly low minimum wage to make up for that discrepancy.

  • You ever heard of ‘time and place?’ Like when you’re on line at an ice cream shop; it’s not the time, nor the place to whip out your genitals and take a fat, farty shit on the floor… On account of you’d look like a crazy ass hole. If somebody then called you out, and you proceeded to smear the shit all over your face, you’d look like an even bigger, crazier ass hole. Get it? Your above comments are kinda like the verbal equivalent to smearing your own farty shit all over at the wrong time and place. Nobody cares if you do those things, but maybe do them amongst other farty shit boys in your own venue, so you don’t stink up the place, 'ya know what I mean?

  • It’s pretty simple actually. Big companies took billions upon billions of dollars in federal subsidies and grants handed out to them via taxation of the public, then when they got just about done building the thing they spent all our money on, they erected a nice shiny gate at the front and charged us admission. But not before bribing donating to criminals politicians to ensure zero competition or risk to their non-investment. It’s rampant capitalism defined.

  • It’s designed to be such an inconvenience to the point that you’re actually just incentivized to buy wireless headphones.

    That business model becoming the norm is exactly why I hardly buy anything new these days. I’ll thrift, upcycle, reuse, hand-me-down, bargain for, get at the discount shop, commission from a local artisan, wait for the price to come down, and/or pick up from-the-curb items absolutely every time it’s possible. Simply avoiding these festering boils on the asscrack of our economy that are big businesses has become a daunting chore of its own… ‘He typed, into his smart phone’ I know, I know; I’m a dramatic bitch, but still.