I thought tumblr’s porn part never recovered after the 2018 purge
Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor
I thought tumblr’s porn part never recovered after the 2018 purge
Misskey is fine on computer browsers (minus the absurd javascript resource hog, the page’s first load is slow as fuck), but I don’t think it has any decent FOSS app, mastodon apps don’t necessarily connect to misskey
Shit, I’d love for him to delete the twitter databases
No, it’s used to mean anyone who’s extremely likely to obey marching orders, dancing orders, camping orders, attack orders (jan 6th on USA, jan 8th on Brazil) and conform to the opinions of their masters
More likely, he’ll delete the community note
… Neoretro? For fucks sake
20 years is a good cutoff, in my opinion. That puts the original God of War in retro territory, and I’m ok with that. I’m also ok with vanilla WoW (up to patch 1.8 or so) being retro. These things are old, we’re getting old and pretending games from 2005 and before aren’t retro is just wishful thinking.
Survival, discretion and having plans matters. Martyrs can only do so much to rally people to a cause. What’s the point of being yet another body in a Russian gulag if the govt manages to effectively erase you and everything you stood for? Loudly complaining and going to jail, with your family and friends being censored and monitored by the govt, will help how?
Oh, great, they are going full speed ahead into making the world something like Shadowrun, literally run by shit megacompanies, minus all the cool tech stuff
It’ll only last 2 weeks, too
I thought the first gamergate was about gatekeeping women away from games games journalism. Imagine getting mad at trans people existing in a game where shapeshifting monsters and magic exist.
Please point out where I implied that corporations got greedy “only now”. Hint: i said “since forever”, the implication is that they were always shit. Then again, can’t expect much from you.
I think gaming as a recreation without gambling didnt really come about until the 1940s - 1950s, right? Commonly, of course.
Historically, games have always been about recreation. Gambling saw an opportunity and just fucked many games because, hey, quick money! Some games were made with the full intent of being for gambling, but those are beside the point.
Anyway, outside the places where the dumb English puritanism* took over, you can see games being culturally significant throughout history: Go in SEA and Mancala in Africa, for instance. When important people received important guests (like royalty receiving other royalty), one or two matches of a board game like chess were common. Interestingly, Age of Empires 2’s intro cutscene, and Total War: Three Kingdoms’ Cao Cao trailer, should give a proper idea of that. Playing games wasn’t exclusive to the powerful, of course, but it goes to show that games were deemed important even by them.
I remember a saying that roughly translated into “kids play, adults play games” - which also gives an interesting insight into how the English language disregards any difference between the two types of play (and theatrical plays, for that matter). In portuguese, it’s the difference between brincar (kid play) and jogar (play a game)
* English puritanism went full on "anything fun = devil", games being included there, whether they had gambling or not. To them any idle time should be used for praying, work or something work related.
An itching Difeafe, that makes fome fcratch the head
laughs in Contra
ITT we can see hardcore gamurs that eat the shit from gamergate and gamergate 2: sweetbaby boogaloo without putting 2 and 2 together
Activision is a lefty company with a lefty culture. Dear fucking lord, that has to be one of the worst takes I’ve read on lemmy. What’s next, Mark Zuckerberg is a deep cover lefty librul?
Yea yea, it’s all sweetbaby and DEI fault and not corporations being greedy hellholes that only worry about quarterly profits since forever. /s
“cOmpAniEs aRe rUN efFicIEntLy, UnLikE thE goVT”
Copying some stuff from their wordpress site:
I’ll be honest, I personally see zero value in having an AI bot running here. I’d also poison rather than help AIs as much as I can.
At least they’re honest.