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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • If you’re a new homeowner and either have a lot to fix or a lot of projects in mind, a pickup is great. Daily driving it is useful for when you have to grab materials after work. I opted for an older $2000 Ranger 4cyl 2wd earlier this year for that so I’m not killed by fuel economy. It gets 20mpg on my commute but I do also split that with a 50mpg motorcycle. It’s also great for when you see random bulky things on the side of the road you want. I did start with a 4x8 trailer but it’s not as convenient. I admit, part of that was because my wife s car was the only one with a functional hitch.

    But I’m talking a Ranger. Like an F-050. 115hp. This little guy has hauled so much already. The only thing it can’t technically do is tow a car and I don’t have the capital left to buy a nonrunning project car. I’ve been eyeing the new Maverick in hybrid form. But maybe by time I have the cash for such a new vehicle I won’t be doing reno projects anymore

  • Idk who down voted, so here’s one up vote.

    I used to be part of such wagons. As I got older, I lost the time available to be so picky. I started with Unity and had a good time. I’ve had a good time with each subsequent entry through odyssey (haven’t played further yet). The same type of people complaining about RPG AC complain about Ubi’s other series, Far Cry. It’s ironic that people vehemently argue whether FC3 or 4 is better while both were departures from 2 which was a drastic departure from 1.

    It’s a game. If you have fun, you’re good. If it’s compelling enough to keep you playing, they’re good. I really enjoyed Odyssey, moresoe than Origins. I do wonder if Origins was a sacrificial game that conditioned me to the RPG style, but I don’t have time to revisit it. I know I really enjoyed the sailing warfare mission as Aya so I was certainly happy to find that in Ody. (I’m actually currently 2/3 thru AC4). Still waiting on time for Valhalla and mirage…

    PS: whichever version you played between 13 and 18 years old will always be the perfect one. Same goes for music. Or any interest, really.