• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I honestly prefer Ansible.

    I use Ansible all day. For work. Oh, god, is it sad compared to everything else in the space. RedHat had the choice between two in-house products and they chose poorly.

    It can do lots of configuration and [set up] and install flatpaks.

    We had that 20 years ago, just with a different product. The state of the art is now two generations newer.

  • This is an important hint around all the jargon that anglos grew up repeating; and I only sometimes realize how deeply it pervades our speech.

    “So I had to hit the ATM for a PATH ticket to get to SoHo and venmo a new LCD for my s20 instead of hopping the turnstile but I found some susy-Bs in my 505s so I was mint” could make perfect sense to an anglo (living in Jersey City) but to an Icelander there’s not much context to help dereference all the jargon.

    Saying “‘ATM’ machine”, with the jargon explained a bit, could definitely help. I gotta be less of a pedantic dick.