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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Every politician in every nation should be banned from having any side business or income of any kind, including after retirement, to avoid potential conflicts.

    (E.g. an MP being offered a paid seat on a Landlord’s Association for when they retire, which would conflict woth their duty to serve the people whilst an MP)

    The government income and pension should be enough to live on so that these issues can be avoided.

    If you want to become a public servant, that’s a high calling that you undertake to serve your nation, and there are some small sacrifices that should come with it.

    It should NEVER be a potential avenue for fame or riches. It should be a sacrifice you make to serve the people and country you care deeply for.

  • This was the game where I couldn’t figure out how to fly the space ship properly, and then I went to land on a strange abandoned space station and couldn’t figure out what to do there beyond reading some alien text that didn’t make much sense, right?

    I’m sure I didn’t give it a fair lick, it’s just it took up 2 hours of my time and didn’t hook or particularly engage me up to that point, so I didn’t feel like going back in and slogging through the slow burn to get to the good stuff.

    That’s on me I suppose, I should try it again!

    Does it pick up and get a little more interesting and robust, at least? I’m not looking for hardcore shooter action, but like, I dunno, interesting people, engaging quests and cool places to go whilst doing them, and such. Something to keep me interested, you know?

    Everyone’s different, of course, walking simulators with the occasional small bit of world building text to read just aren’t for me is all.