In the time it took you to write that you could have installed Linux and had a better idea than any of this back and forward.
Oh no! Anyway…
That’ll fix the cheaters though right? Right?
If a single person can make the system fail then the system has already failed.
Final panel is a lactose monster delivering a roundhouse kick to the gut.
The scorpion stabs the cabbage and says it’s in my bag of grain.
Never had sex in the dark?
Finally finish acceptance testing, get the changes deployed to production, wrap up the documentation. Job well done.
Bing. Email from vendor “we are entirely changing our API, it’s now push instead of pull”.
Fix for vendor lies.
Given up. Bought a dongle for if I need it but mostly just Bluetooth now.
Why would you compare between the tables? It’s the relative change in each line that is of interest.
“You see, killbots Patriots have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men planes at them until they reached their limit and shut down.” - Captain Zap Putin
King of monsters 2(?)
Requires more pylons peons.
If you like co-op survival style games it’s pretty good. Not yet complete though which was a shame when we got to the end of the content.
Initial thought was “I can’t think of anything”. Then I started scrolling through this thread showering upvoted on all of the repressed memories.