Finland ranked seventh in the world in OECD’s student assessment chart in 2018, well above the UK and the United States, where there is a mix of private and state education

    1 year ago

    But this is also about wayyyy more than the top 1% of kids, this is about everyone. You want a more capable society? That means everyone.

    Hmms seems like you are implying here that it does actually bring those 1% of kids down for the betterment of the rest. I thought it wouldn’t bring kids down?

    It’s a simple difference of opinions. I believe that private schools are better empowered to allocate resources to produce the best result since it bypasses government bureaucracy. That’s it. Acting like “advanced classes” is some sort of own that defeats the purpose of private schools is a cop out frankly.

    You want more smart people in society? The solution is public schools to develop those smart people.

    This can happen without making private schools illegal.

      1 year ago

      Hmms seems like you are implying here that it does actually bring those 1% of kids down for the betterment of the rest. I thought it wouldn’t bring kids down?

      Lol no I didn’t imply that. See that “also”?Now you’re making things up. I thought you were better than this.

      Because this is also about all of society (see that also?) But I see your game now. You have to try to limit this to top 1%. It’s a fake construct on my argument that you have to limit things to. I wonder if you’re going to strawman this now.

      It’s a simple difference of opinions

      I think the basis of this is that you can not even conceive of public schools that serve both top students and students well. (Insert all the words: also, in addition, etc),

      Acting like “advanced classes” is some sort of own that defeats the purpose of private schools is a cop out frankly.

      Lol that addresses your arguments where I said it. You want top students to hang out together? They do, in advanced classes.

      You want their needs to be met? They are, in advanced classes.


      And all the other factors that you never respond to, like availability, travel time, wait lists, that smart people don’t spring out of the blue to be whisked away to private schools and that they are developed and educated from the start.

      This can happen without making private schools illegal.

      Like I already said, when rich and upper class don’t use the public system there is zero incentive to make it work well.

      Really, you can’t even conceive of a public system that works well for top and also (see that also?) students.

      Yeah I see your other game too, you want me to excessively add caveats to everything I say now. The first time may have been legit, but now you read implications that aren’t there just so I have to add more caveats. Nice games. But I think that shows you’ve graduated to bad faith and I’m just pointing out what I’ve already said because it addresses it all, so I think I’m done. Cheers.