Annoyed_🦀 🏅


  • 34 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • It wasn’t even the pirate that’s get attacked, it’s an indirect attack on Webhard, a cloud storage system provider that utilise BitTorrent. The ISP attack Webhard users by injecting malware to both disable Webhard software and mess up the user’s file, some even had their PC disabled probably due to messed up C drive. Some individuals is being charged but to think ISP will use such tactic just because their paying customer used up the bandwidth they provided, the only sensible choice is like you said, drop the damn thing if possible.

  • If you’re talking about Game-Added Marker, that’s only applicable if the game have that feature implemented in. Otherwise, i seriously not sure why someone will freaked out by this, they can just, idk, turn it off like normal people. It’s not like an invasive OS feature that even if turned off, the feeling of it still watching you are there. Whether this feature from Steam will send metadata back to Valve still remain to be seen, as people will take a dig on the network side of this after release, but so far it doesn’t indicate it will.

    Besides, Nvidia Experience also have the exact feature implemented, it’s called Nvidia Highlight, where dev can set when and where Nvidia should take a clip of your game. No out is being freaked.

  • Making game is extremely risky gamble. Sometime studio can spend years working on one game and it might result in subpar sales due to element that’s not in their control, like Spec Ops: The Line. Take Obsidian Entertainment for example, over the year we kept hearing how they’re financially struggling despite created some of the best RPG, and Microsoft acquisition suppose to free them from this issue to some degree. Same with Tango Gameswork. Zenimax and to some extend Mojang is different case though.

    Lot of game studio open and close, if Tango doesn’t sold to Bethesda and in turn to Microsoft, it might already closed. Though on the flip side it also mean they’re at the mercy of their parent company, it still undeniable that Microsoft is the one killed them in this case.

  • Two word to solve this: Public Healthcare.

    Iinm medicaid/medicare is a government health insurance scheme that only given to selected individuals, and care is provided by private owned hospital, while Europe(and a lot of other place in the world) practice universal public healthcare, where the hospital is owned and run by government. This way, the government wouldn’t get squeezed dry by the exorbitant cost of private healthcare, while at the same time wouldn’t need to pick and choose who is eligible. Private hospital is there to provide value added service for people who can afford it.