“Pivots US policy to”, I guess.
“Pivots US policy to”, I guess.
It’s like 4 guys for the most part, so they may just have limited bandwidth.
Seems like they prefer more thread-focused conversations.
I don’t get it.
Edit: oh, because he looks like Dara. If you soaked him in the tub for a few days.
Hmmm, I hadn’t heard of Retrodeck before (or more likely, I forgot about it). How does it compare to Emudeck?
It doesn’t seem controversial at all. People seem to pretty consistently say your take sucks and that you’re wrong.
Nothing good is free.
I’ve been pretty happy with PIA.
I’m still not getting why the level of hate here?
A punch in his face for each person in his army, yes.
In the US, sooooo many people are still buying them.
The same people still using Twitter I guess. And can’t be added to switch because otherwise how are they going to follow some celebs or some shit; no worries that they’re supporting Hitler.
That makes zero sense.
I mean, it naturally has to be something that they eventually find a way to charge you something for. If it’s a for-profit business, and if they only sold lifetime subscriptions, they would eventually go out of business.
Jesus fucking christ
You know what? Go fuck yourself.
What would possibly be unclear here
A) there hasn’t really been much of an uptick there overall B) it’d have to be wayyy more wrong than that to have an impact on the direction of things.
You know, I kinda can’t wait for shit to start going wrong on their watch.
Unfortunately, the more bad, the more quickly, the better.
I don’t even see the mental gymnastics. It’s just a stupid lie a stupid liar told.
Yeah that was some really really stupid shit people were saying.
He’s reinstating corrupt officials. He’s piling in sycophants into every corner of the government. He’s declaring he alone has the ability to interpret laws. He’s killing major federal departments. He’s ignoring policy. He’s ignoring court orders. He’s literally calling himself a king.
We are way, way beyond “firing civil servants”, and it is just going to get worse.
I don’t think he will amend the constitution. I think at the moment it doesn’t matter and it will be ignored. We are now actively in the greatest constitutional crisis in American history.
Understand that the shit has gotten very, very real. All this other stuff that we’ve counted on all our lives is gone unless something massive happens REALLY SOON.
Including, apparently, overthrowing Zelenskyy and installing a puppet.
EU needs to just suck it up and add Ukraine however necessary. Russia can’t fight them all.