In a Fox News interview, Donald Trump argued that Ukraine should not have resisted Russia’s 2022 invasion, claiming Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy should have made a deal with Vladimir Putin.
Trump criticized Zelenskyy for choosing to fight, compared the military strength of Russia and Ukraine, and said he could have ended the war quickly through negotiations.
Trump’s stance contrasts with Joe Biden’s strong support for Ukraine, including aid and sanctions on Russia.
Really? So, Mexico can take back what they lost and the USA will not resist.
If by that you mean Texas? Please take it back.
You might not believe me but anyone can just walk into maralargo. Trump won’t have you trespassed, he will offer you a cash deal to leave. Trust me, it’s true. Ez money.
This is why he’s having such a hard time getting Musk to leave. How do you make a problem go away when your only problem solving skill is bribery and your problem is a higher degree of wealth than your bribing power?
I can’t imagine what would have satisfied Russia other than complete surrender. Ukraine had few other options than to fight. Uphill as their battle may have been.
Fuck Trump you spineless corporate shill
Convicted rapist says victims shouldnt fight back
Rapist claims victims shouldn’t fight back. More at 11pm
Of course he does.
Ukraine HAD a deal with Russia ensuring its peace and its borders. It was called the Budapest Memorandum. Russia was the one violating the deal Russia had agreed to.
I think you’re confused that was the treaty that said NATO couldn’t come within forty thousand miles of its borders and what about Biden’s Ukrainian money laundering bio-facilities?
In case anyone is thinking of taking this troll seriously, there is no treaty that prevents NATO from expanding east. There was something like it between NATO and the USSR but Russia officially is not the successor to USSR so they have no claim to that guarantee. It’s all Russian propaganda.
Youbare forgetting also the warcrimes of Umranians where they have time travel labs yhey use to travel back in time to kill baby jesus every day and internet hacking centers used to force musk do awkward gestures. Truly the axis of evil.
I didn’t forget anything I just was listing stuff in order of importance.
You also forget Ukranian corrupt camera lens factories sabotaging all cameras worldwide in order to make the earth seem not flat.
What about Volodymyr Zelenskyy assassinating JFK?
OTOH, I also heard him quoted trying to get Saudi Arabia to flood the market with cheap oil to try and force Russia to the table. Makes sense, since oil has been the last big export Russia has to make money on. I’m opposed to Trump and his stupid fucking Nazi pals on pretty much everything, but I guess even broken clocks can be right twice a day. It’d be nice to see this meat grinder closed down with a treaty, instead of the US deciding to do a rugpull on Ukraine. Ofc, I support the Ukrainian people’s right to self determination. If they want to keep fighting, that’s their right, but putting Russia on an economic back foot would probably meaningfully help negotiations.
Source (didn’t read, heard about it on NPR)
But this just makes sense if russia would be sanktioned before. Because if russia wouldnt have started a war, russia could still sell and buy everything. So if the oil price dumps there wont be the same effect as now.
Aren’t the Biden era sanctions still active? IIRC, sketchy off grid oil sales and sales to India/China are basically what’s keeping Russia going at this point. If the market gets flooded with cheap OPEC oil, that would be a major baseball bat to the knee.
“Just lay there and take it.” Is Trump’s motto
It sounds right in content and in him not knowing that lay is a transitive verb.
A WHAT-itive verb?!?
-shits out a new Executive Order-
This is literally all the “anti war” arguments. George Washington should have just stopped resisting the red coats.
Washington was part of a revolution. This is an invasion. More like Russia should have just let Napoleon have it.
Sure, but that makes it entirely unrelatable to the Americans making these arguments.
Fair enough. How about this?
It’s like letting the SCARY EVIL (mysteriously suddenly nonexistent) IMMIGRANT MEXICAN CARAVAN INVADERS just come in and have the US.
Are they eating our pets though?
Obviously. That’s what brown people do, right? The clearly authoritative (checks notes) rich white Nazi on TV told me.
Not if you eat them first!
I wish I could eat my puppies and have their scruffy faces and waggy tails with me all the time! Petting them would be difficult…
How to eat Your Dogs
- Stop crying
- Seriously, stop crying. If you don’t stop crying in gonna start crying
- I’m vegan now
The end.
Of course the convicted felon would say that Ukraine should just lie down and let Russia grab 'em by the country.
So Ukraine, hear me out… Eliminate Trump and Putin during the negotiations, blame it on someone else. Everyone will thank you, and we’ll get over it.
I’m sure at this point if Zelenskyy pulled out a wellrod, popped both of them and said “Slava Ukraini” there would be a round of applause.
If he does this, I’m getting Heroiam Slava tattooed on my chest.
i honestly don’t think anyone would put him to trial. like suddenly everyone you know was with the president of ukraine at the time of the incident. and sure, that’s not what questions the ICC would be asking, but that’s what we’d all be saying
Exactly I mean, the USA isn’t going to start a war with an ally over a shitbag placeholder president like Trump. As for Russia they’re already fucking war so what are they going to do? If anything set it up so it looks like a Russian assassination attempt on Z went wrong and got Putin and Trump instead. United States should have been at war with Russia since 2016 anyway. Now would be a great time to join in considering Russian combat capacity is at nearly zero, and they’re currently utilizing the zap branigan meat wave tactic.
At this point if that actually happened China would take a long hard look and go no thank you sir. They ain’t doing shit to defend Russia. Hell, if we promised them a portion of it, they’d help us take it
I’m indefinitely with him at a pizza party
It would almost certainly be a requirement to prosecute and then likely lock Zelenskyy up if he did that, even if he might be doing us all a favour. And even the nicest prison is still a prison.
It would be better if there was a way to have the targets neutralise each other.
Nah, make the entire operation look like a Russian assassination plot on Z went wrong. People in US intelligence that are currently involved with Ukraine would definitely help facilitate that story.
Requirement from whom? Who would enforce it?
I know the obvious answer is the ICC, but they currently have warrants for both Putin and Netanyahu, so clearly that’s not an effective threat.
Vance. I think he and his puppet masters would love the excuse to join with putin’s past allies. Russia gets the land, united states of stupid gets
half the resourcescontracts to aid in building the ‘infrastructure’ and such to process the resources.Straight up killing a known criminal is not the accepted way to mete out justice, no matter how right it seems. We have (international) courts for a reason, even when the case is open and shut, and even if the same courtesy would be unlikely if the situation was reversed.
You’ll have millions/billions of people willing to be your alibi. “According to people calling in, Zelensky was at 300,000 bars, sleeping on 1,250,000 couches, and attending 13 Bar Mitvahs that night, so he couldn’t have killed Trump and Putin.”
"Absolutely top-notch guy. Literally omnipresent.
Like me and all my friends were having individualized, concurrent, and meaningful bottle episodes with the guy.
Just the consummate gentleman."
Downside is you’ll have JD Vance as president. Unsure that’ll be any better.
Vance has a brain, which is both scarier and more reassuring at the same time.
Vance has no political capital like Trump. He doesn’t have a cult he can use to threaten to primary people. Once Trump is gone all of this loses momentum.
Will be interesting to watch the power vacuum when Trump dies. It will be a great opportunity for the democrats to make progress. I’m sure they’ll find a way to fuck that up too.
I’m not sure anybody would rally behind him. He had the lowest likability score of any VP pick since 2000 - even below Sarah “I Can See Russia From My House!” Palin.
Palin was rocking the MILF vibe and, for better or worse, took her conservative creds mostly seriously.
Vance is date rapey, nakedly ambitious, and completely owned by Thiel.
JD Vance only eats the cat food part of lucky charms pass it on
OK. good. good.
The problem is who will replace them. Does Putin even have an official successor (like the US VP), or would this create a power vacuum?
So believe it or not back when the USA had its shit together we had this thing called the CIA and boy were they pretty good at identifying and exploiting power vacuums to the advantage of our country.
The Prime Minister is de jure the acting president in case of a vacancy. Given the strength of legal institutions in Russia Mikhail Mishustin would have some work ahead of him to actually hold power.
Honestly I’m more worried about the NATO 5% thing which is blatantly designed to fracture the alliance.
The number was 2%, and many didn’t hit that. 5% is never going to happen and is going to be Trump’s cause to pull out, mark my words. Thankfully Congress put some stops in there, but doesn’t mean Trump can’t fuck things up bigly.
Ukraine can schlump along with NATO sans USA, but no NATO and Ukraine is finished.
If European countries somehow manage 5 percent, it’s Europe that should step out of NATO. At this moment I am half convinced it’s better to have a strategic alliance with China than with Trump.
America hasn’t had to deal with the recieving end of Imperialism for almost 250 years. (its been on the giving end of it for the last century) America is in no position, not Trump, not Elon, not Biden, not the dude that just wants to grill. None of them are in a position to tell someone not to fight for freedom, when there is an actual threat of losing ones freedom and sovereignty. Most western countries have long forgotten what the struggle is all about because they’ve had their freedom for centuries.
Ukraine’s fight has been going on for centuries, but 2022-Present has been the defining moment of that fight.
If you aren’t going to help, shut the fuck up, and fuck off and let the rest of us handle it. Ukraine isn’t going to stop fighting for its existence just because Part of America is tired and upset about superficial things like egg prices. If America isn’t going to carry the torch of Liberty, there are plenty of others willing to take it from here.
Europe is having its issues too. It seems like the people are mad about taxes already, and aren’t keen on the prospect on increasing them for military spending. They’ve already run huge deficits for COVID.
Many other powers are either not interested in this particular fight or can’t afford to be.
I hate to sound so cynical, but I think Zelensky is smart to “work with” Trump (aka manipulate him) instead of denouncing him and kicking him to the curb like his country has every right to, because the drive to fight only goes so far against a truly genocidal adversary.