Mexico will never tolerate an invasion of its national sovereignty by the United States, President Claudia Sheinbaum warned Thursday after Washington designated Mexican drug cartels as terrorist organizations.
“This cannot be an opportunity for the U.S. to invade our sovereignty,” she said. “With Mexico it is collaboration and coordination, never subordination or interventionism, and even less invasion.”
On Wednesday, the Trump administration formally labeled eight cartels as terrorist groups. They include Mexico’s two main drug trafficking organizations, the Jalisco New Generation and Sinaloa cartels.
So from what I can tell, here is all of the places Trump has threatened either directly or indirectly to send the U.S. military since taking office in January:
MexicoDid I forget any? I realize the U.S. has one of the biggest militaries in the world, but I think maybe he’s going to stretch them a bit thin?
Does the US count? Cuz he’s threatened to use the military there too!
Don’t forget “Harris will start another war!!!” idiots!
Even Hitler only tried for 2 fronts. Thankfully Herr Trump will lose the wars he starts more quickly.
China looking on with glee.
Elon Musk threatened the UK.
Did you notice how he has no beef with dictators? Same with elon and jd, btw.
Hmm… No Iran? No China? No Russia? No Saudi Arabia?
How convenient. Almost like Putin picked these to fracture western alliances or something…
You forgot the bread line
why greenland
Because when climate change really ramps up and starts melting that icy land there’s gonna be lotsa resources ripe for the picking and Trump wants them.
the northern passage is a shipping route that way that will be important once melted, faster than panama.
How about sanctuary cities in the US?
We are 100% going to be at war with Mexico before the year is out
As a Mexican immigrant living in the United States for almost 8 years now, if that happens I go to my Mexico Mágico, fuck this cultural cleanse culture.
Approx. 200 years ago Mexico was in a similar position to what the United States used to portray until not too long ago, a pluricultural melting pot of different cultures from all over the world… It had just declared its independence from Spain in 1821, the 5 de Mayo war a few years later, brought French men who decided to stay after losing, Persian or Arabian immigrants brought what came to be the Taco Al Pastor, German immigrants residing in the port of Mazatlán brought the brass instruments, that now make up the regional music known as Banda, and the indigenous culture of the country combined with the influx of migrants developed one of the most intriguing and acclaimed cuisines in the world. Is the United States just gonna be like the UK 200 years from now?
Is the United States just gonna be like the UK 200 years from now?
I hope not. But everything happens so much faster now than 200 years ago. In 200 years, if humanity still exists, it will be so different, perhaps nearly unrecognizable.
What part of Mexico are you from? I’ve been to Mexico City, the West Coast, and Baja California. Take me with you? Mi Español es mierda pero soy un estudiante rapido.
I’m an American from California living in Europe. When people ask me what I miss most about it, I tell them its proximity to Mexico. The cuisine is truly unmatched in the world, god damn. For those of you who’ve never been south of the border, I’m not just talking about your typical Tex Mex stuff. The incredible moles and pozoles and huachinangos and stuff from incredibly beautiful cities like Queretaro, and Puebla, and Oaxaca… just incredible. Writing this comment has made me want to book another trip back to Mexico. To Expedia I go, San Luis Potosí here I come!
Enjoy all the delicious treats compa.
I deeply hope none of this happens. But if it does I hope the cartels destroy the invading US forces.
It would be another Vietnam… the cartels curry favour with locals, so would likely have the general civilian population on their side and helping them.
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The US is shit at fighting guerilla armies despite exclusively doing so for the last 60 years. You make the mistake of invading Mexico, shit on the US side starts blowing up. Mexico won’t assist the US, and if they start really sanctioning the US that’s pretty much it for motor vehicles in the military. If China takes the opportunity to then sanction the US that’s it for military drones and quite a lot of the air force.
Logistics and manufacturing wins engagements and wars, and other countries control both in the US.
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Is that supposed to be a rebuttal against his point?
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Bruh, if you can’t be bothered to read, why are you replying? No wonder your reply made no sense.
Your initial comment seems to imply that it won’t be a problem for the US army to fight against the cartel, which the other guy was arguing against by giving examples of how bad their performance has been against guerilla fighters.
You replied by asking him which army isn’t bad at fighting guerilla warfare? His point wasn’t that the US army is the only one bad at fighting guerilla warfare. Your rebuttal even goes against your original point that the US won’t have trouble with fighting the cartel, so it doesn’t even work as a supporting argument for your own point.
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There is nothing preventing these cartels from retaliating in kind.
Drones are not difficult to source or build, and these orgs have weapons, manpower and 100s of billions of dollars.
They have nowhere near the arsenal of the US military, but this isn’t an 800lb guerilla vs a toddler. This is an 800lb guerilla vs a 100lb guerilla. That small guerilla is still going to wreck unimaginable havoc in the US if the two fight.
Broooo have I got news for you. … the cartels already operate in the USA and do so quite unobstructed. They will kidnap, torture and kill, then release the tiktok.
And then once the trump cronies and the unending greed get a little taste of the blood money, it fucking over.
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You think cartels are better than the usa? Lol
More or less as evil as each other
Then you haven’t read anything about cartels.
We’re in some weird timeline where we may actually see the Mexican military and the cartels cooperate. Wild.
At this point I would love it if Mexico, Canada, Greenland, NATO, and whoever else Trusk have threatened would team up and invade US, overthrow the fascists, and oversee a legitimate election with paper ballots and CCTV at all polling places and ballot tallying locations. Our elected officials are clearly going to continue hemming and hawing, filing lawsuits while telling us to “fight back,” without understanding that none of it is going to work now that they’ve dug their claws in. He never should have been inaugurated. If the general [sane] public thought something about the election was weird pretty much immediately, that means the Biden admin likely had hard evidence long before we started putting the pieces together. But no, let’s have a peaceful transfer of power, that’ll show 'em.
Hitler’s gonna hitle
4 years under Biden was the first time in 20 years that America wasn’t in a war and now Trump and the neocons want us to go back.
Well, I guess EloTrump is projecting once more.
Don’t give up nukes if you have any. Get some as a deterrent if you don’t.
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The Mexican government is unable to control its own borders. Cartels rule with impunity within the country. Only a corrupt Mexican government bought by the cartels would oppose intervention.
Lol the border control issue is a yank problem. Yanks are the customer amigo. Cartels are the result of that problem. Cartels are fucked but they are operating in the the united States just as well as they do in Mexico. I hope you can see what is right there before you…
Do you know/remember who Donald Rumsfeld was? “Welcome us as liberators.” How did that go? And how long did it go for? And how much “blood and treasure” was wasted? And what did it get the average united States citizen?
Yanks should be opposed to a foreign invasion because yanks can’t win wars and haven’t in DECADES. They are expensive and once soldiers get a hold of a good taco, they will lay down their arms chingado.
Like I almost want to see it happen just to see how badly it would go for the yank invaders. Darwin award levels of stupidity.
The American government is unable to control its own healthcare. Oligarchs rule with impunity within the country. Only a corrupt American government bought by the oligarchs would oppose intervention from Europe.
Make America European Again!